About Tech4agri

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The Technology4agri blog was created by Keron Bascombe; Agri journalist, writer and blogger. The blog acts as a platform to assist persons in realizing the multitude of technological application that exist in agriculture, to assist in the development of young agropreneurs and to assist the agriculturally inclined public by empowering its followers through the provision of an interesting and innovative agri-information, service.

It highlights technologies, techniques and methods, both new and old which can be applied to agriculture for the all around development of the sector.  Currently technology4agri is a consistent source of agri information. Its primary focus is on technology in agriculture but it has since expanded into areas of research, agribusiness management entrepreneurship, management, science, agri policy, soft skills, livestock and fisheries, global topics in agriculture, and other areas with an emphasis on items relatable to youth. It seeks to assist in solving the difficulty in accessing agricultural information in the region.

Its goals are as follows:

1) keron-logo-copy.jpgImprove upon and continue to act as an information source to the general public educating them, as to the dynamic nature of agriculture and the importance of food

2) Highlight technologies of all kinds and their relevant application in several sectors in agriculture. Technology which has not yet been invented but has been conceptualized is included. Similarly any technology meant for another field of work or research, but has applications for agriculture at any level can also be highlighted. All aspects of agriculture are discussed; from primary production both subsistence and commercial to agricultural marketing and communication to food science and consumption; each area, once agri related is open for discussion.

3) Provide relevant information to agri youth, enabling them to engage with each other as they are encouraged to pursue careers in agriculture.

In striving to achieve these goals tech4agri works in two ways. It brings to light issues and success stories in along with general knowledge on Caribbean Agriculture while simultaneously bringing topics and other relatable stories in the global agriculture discourse to the Caribbean. In short this generation of agri information seeks to change the outlook of agriculture to a more positive one with emphasis on its sheer importance and necessity.

The blog has received over 13,000 visitors since its inception. Even so the editor constantly tries to upgrade its usability, relevance, and timeliness as an information based website. Each week it focuses on one of its main topic areas with emphasis on innovation and it’s applicability to Caribbean Agriculture. Utilizing social media networks, it is disseminated widely ensuring that many agri stakeholders from around the world learn of agriculture from a Caribbean point of view.

Users of the blogspace include, agri students, entrepreneurs, youth in agriculture, agribusinesses, private and public institutions, the agriculturally inclined, and the general public all of whom are either regionally or internationally based. As a award winning blog, in the Youth in Agriculture Blog Competition 2012 (hosted by the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation) for the Caribbean Region, it provides a high standard of reporting sometimes with the opinions of the author. However as a social media outlet dialogue, sharing and discussion are very much encouraged for the benefit of all.

Technology4agri is meant to be transformed into a social enterprise in agriculture with the main focus of providing help and information to its target market. It is without a doubt one of the leaders in agri entrepreneurship and innovation in the region.

Feel free to visit the homepage of tech4agri or follow the facebook page.

Click the picture link above for a quick insight into tech4agri!



  1. Hello this is a very good blog. Are you Jamaican living in the Diaspora or a Caribbean national? This is a great site which I’m specifically interested in because of a project I am involved in with young entrepreneurs. Would love to have a conversation. Thanks much!

  2. Pingback: Episode 54.5 - 5 Minute Summer Food Primer - Food Startups Podcast | Food Startups Podcast

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